DGMR/Actueel en kennis/Publicaties/NEPTUNES measurement protocol

Noise from moored ships: NEPTUNES measurement protocol

The NEPTUNES (Noise Exploration Program To Understand Noise Emitted by Seagoing ships) project is about mitigating the noise impact from moored ships around sea ports. This project is a combined effort from eleven ports around the world.

Rob Witte | Euronoise 2018 | 15 augustus 2018

Background and status

Next to legislation and information, this project aims to reduce the annoyance caused by ship noise by pricing noisy ships as an aspect of port fees. This requires a noise measurement protocol that specifies how, and which sources must be measured under representative circumstances. In addition to sound power levels, this measurement protocol will also gather information on possible hindrance aspects like tonality, low frequency and fluctuating noise. This paper will give information on the background and the status of this measurement protocol.

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Edward Vermaas - DGMR

Edward Vermaas

Senior adviseur Industrie, Verkeer en Milieu
Nick van den Heijkant, senior projectleider Milieu bij DGMR

Nick van den Heijkant

Adviseur Industrie, verkeer en milieu

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